Whether you are a supplier of goods, subcontractor, contractor or principal, the Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA) is applicable.
The Construction Contracts Act provides you with fast and effective adjudication process for disputes arising under any construction contract. Matters can be dealt with as quickly as 28 from the date you lodge a claim, which means that payment is not held up nor will your construction project be delayed. The decision made by an adjudicator is legally enforceable and binding upon the parties.
To take advantage of this process follow these steps:
1. Lodge a claim within 28 days from when the payment dispute arises either directly to an agreed adjudicator or a prescribed appointer who will appoint an appropriate adjudicator for you
2. The person against whom you are claiming has 14 days to respond to the application for adjudication
3. The adjudicator will make a determination within 14 days of the lodgement of the response